Hello, most of you who know me, know I’ve been on the Apomorphine infusion pump and Apomorphine injections for the last three months.

If I may I’d like to take you back to the feeling I had when I had my Apo response test.

When it worked. I couldn’t believe my luck. It was like a miracle. It was my light at the end of my tunnel.

My body and limbs were finally getting a well deserved rest, what more could I ask. I understood it wouldn’t be easy, but I was prepared and willing to have the treatment.

My husband was on this journey with me, it couldn’t have been easy for him as he had to inject me, learn how to set up the pump, make sure it was put in correctly every day. Finding places to put it was a problem, as my fat store is low.

When I say it hasn’t been easy, it really hasn’t.

It has been three months of needles, infusion pumps, injections, sickness, nodules, soreness, tears, bruises , not being able to go out , feeling poorly, unwell.

You have probably guessed by now I’ve had to stop the Apomorphine infusion pump treatment, I’m devastated as you can imagine, but after talking it over with the Apomorphine nurse yesterday, it was really the only option.

I would like to say, because I have had to stop, it doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t work for you. We are all different.

This is the first day without it. We have spoken in length about where I go from here and I have now got to increase my medication accordingly and have been given the option to have injections for the really bad times.

Thank you all so very much for your support and kindness. I truly appreciate it ❤️