I can’t believe that it’s three years ago I started to share my deepest thoughts and feelings through poetry on this blog. First of all , I must say a big Thankyou to my daughter and a very special friend of mine for giving me the confidence and pushing me to share. I have and always will be, still very nervous and shy when I post. But I can say that now due to you, the lovely people, who have liked & commented on my poetry, you have made me feel that my poetry is not just helping me but helping you too. Thank you my friends.

As I share my thoughts and feelings through my blog, I have realised how much this has helped me. I look at it as my own personal therapy session, where I invite people to stop by and maybe join in with my therapy. It’s been so lovely to find all you beautiful souls out there, who are experiencing and feeling the same as I. It’s so good to know that we are not alone in our journey. That we can help each other through the times we need someone to be there.

I was thinking whatever did I do before the blog? Was I not coping? How was I sharing my feelings? 

I went back many years, to when I was first diagnosed with Charcot Marie tooth disease & I was suffering with chronic pain. My family was young then, I tried very hard to keep my feelings to myself. I was always there for anyone who needed a shoulder to cry on, or an ear to listen. I think, that was what helped me , while I was helping someone else, I wasn’t thinking about what was going on with me. Although looking back I probably was lying to myself and my family. I did go through a very bad stage. I suppose you could say I was hiding from the world. Not caring or looking after myself. When I think back now, I must have been going through a depression. This lasted quite a few years. I could have lost my way. Luckily I came through it. I won’t go into detail. Because that’s another story. Also when I was diagnosed, the neurologist told me to go live my life and get on with it. This is what I did. I can honestly say I never really complained or shared what I was going through for a very long time. 

As the years went by, my condition obviously progressed. My pain got worse. I had a life threatening moment, when I had to go into hospital. Then when I was 50 I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease after many years of me hiding my symptoms, coping the best way I knew how. thinking it was obviously something to do with my Charcot Marie tooth disease. I think , all of a sudden, I finally woke up and realised that I actually might need some help.

I was quite naive concerning social media etc. But thanks to my daughter helping me, I joined a Parkinson’s forum on FB , and the rest is history. I became friends with a wonderful lady who helped me through my first year and we are still friends today. We have never met, but we have spoken through FaceTime. I know she will always be there for me, as I’m always here for her. 

 I now belong to quite a few forums, talk to many people all over the world. I suppose you could say it’s become a big part of my life. I’m really grateful to be a part of such a large family of people living with Parkinson’s and many other conditions too. I would like to say that I think people with Parkinson’s are the most talented, gifted and caring people in the world. 

Thank you for being there for the last three years, hopefully we can carry on this journey together for many years to come. Hoping that one day someone will find a cure for us all

Written by Shelley Edwards (c)



Crying out loud is something I have tried very hard not to do, up till now. My painted on smile whilst feeling pain and experiencing sadness has served me so well in the past. Don’t get me wrong, I do cry, but normally when I do, it’s not in front of anyone. I tend to do my crying behind closed doors. On my own. I’ve suppose people who know me, maybe think I’m quite tough and someone who can hold their own. But just recently the tears have started to fall. 

I seem to be getting upset quite a lot, just recently. Just the other day I was sitting on my own in the garden, when all of a sudden, I’m crying. Actually sobbing. Is it the medication I’m on? Maybe its the menopause? Why am I doing it so much just lately? Maybe it’s because I’ve just lost my best friend. A couple of weeks ago. Pheobe, my beautiful bearded collie who was 14 years and 5 months old, crossed the rainbow bridge. She was always with me. Every day. Wherever I was , she was. Now she’s not here anymore, who can I share my deepest thoughts with now? Who can I hug and hold? I know it might sound strange, but I believe her being by my side, really helped me. I miss her so much. 

I suppose that could be a part of why I’m feeling so sad. But there must be more going on, there must be something else making me breakdown in tears. Maybe I’m feeling sorry for myself.? Well if I am, I’m not apologising for it. I think I’ve been strong, coping with certain issues & struggles I’ve been through over the years. I am normally the one that wipes away others tears. So I’ve finally decided that now if my tears come, not that I can control them at the moment. I’m not holding them in anymore!

I’m wondering if it’s anything to do with Parkinson’s disease? I have read that it can cause depression and feeling low. But I’m not depressed, am I ? How could I be? Maybe it’s all them sleepless nights I’ve been having for so long? That would make anyone weep, I’m sure? 

I felt I had to write this down, I thought maybe writing it down will help me somehow, I can only hope. 

When I say to people, I’m ok? Maybe I should say from now on, I’m not ok? But then I would be expected to explain why I wasn’t ok? And that’s totally against my nature. So I am going to end now by saying this sadness stops here. I need to get myself together and get on with it. Just like I have before. I will get out of this hole I’ve all of a sudden dug myself. I will fill it in and leave it in the past. 

If any of you feel as I do. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch. It will get better, I will be here to chat and try to help you feel better. I have a supportive family who love me and who want to help me in anyway they can. All I have to do is ask. That’s the hardest thing for me to do. But I’m trying, I will get there in the end. I suppose you could call me stubborn, I know my family does. 

Written by Shelley Edwards (c)



I have just invested in a nutribullet, I have been thinking for a while now about how to get as many fruits & vegetables, plus special nuts & seeds into me. That would be nutritious, healthy, tasty and not boring. I think I’ve finally found a way. 
I didn’t realise that combining certain fruits,vegetables,seeds & nuts. Can help my body to heal and fight certain conditions. It’s amazing what a smoothie can do.
I have just tried my first smoothie, and it was really tasty. Can’t wait to try my next one. I’ve called my first smoothie, ‘A MESSY BLAST’ The reason behind the name is because when I was making it, it leaked because I hadn’t screwed the base tightly enough. My fault entirelyk. So next time I will have to have my husband or daughter to make sure it’s done right.  

My first smoothie recipe below:-


2 handfuls of spinach 

1 banana 

4 strawberries 

5 grapes (red & green)

1/8 cup of goji berries 

Greek yogurt with ginger 

By Shelley Edwards